Plugin Framework - Heap Event Message Schema
Be cautious when modifying event messages
Within this document, we will be sharing a subset of the properties on our event messages. When implementing a transformer, there may be additional properties not detailed in this document.
Avoid modifying these properties as they may be vital for Heap analysis
Base Event Message Scheme
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for an event |
type (do not modify) | string | required event type associated with the message - metadata user event: meta_user - metadata session event: meta_session - metadata pageview event: meta_pageview - track event: core_track |
info (do not modify) | object | required raw event information used for event message data construction |
data | EventMessage | required message constructed by transformers to be sent to Heap |
All event messages will be structured as noted above. In particular, data
is where any modifications to the event payload should occur. We have 4 types of EventMessage
which will be detailed in the subsequent sections:
- Track Event Message
- User Metadata Event Message
- Session Metadata Event Message
- Pageview Metadata Event Message
Track Event Message Schema
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for the interaction event |
time (do not modify) | number | required start timestamp of the pageview |
pageview_info | PageviewInfo | required information associated with the current pageview |
session_info | SessionInfo | required information associated with the current session |
event.interaction | InteractionMessage | optional information about the interaction event, if applicable - captured for change , click , and submit events |
event.custom | CustomMessage | optional information about the manual track event, if applicable - captured for heap.track events |
properties | object | optional custom pageview properties. - key must be a string - value must be a string , number , boolean , or number |
Example Interaction Track Event Message (click)
"user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"targetText":"for ted"
Example Custom Track Event Message
"event":"custom track event",
"user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
"name":"custom track event",
Custom Message
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | required name of the custom track event - first argument of heap.track |
properties | object | optional custom track event properties - second argument of heap.track |
Interaction Message
Property | Type | Description |
hierarchy | string | required DOM hierarchy string associated with the interaction event |
nodes | Array<ElementNode> | required Node representation of the hierarchy - begins with the target element and traverses upwards |
Element Node
Only modifications to the targetText will be persisted. Modifications to any other property will not change the captured hierarchy string.
Property | Type | Description |
tagName | string | required tag of the element node |
id | string | required id of the element node |
classes | Array<string> | required list of the element's class names |
attributes | Array<HTMLAttribute> | required list of the element's attributes |
href | string | optional href of the element node |
targetText | string | optional text of the element node - this is only captured for the target element (first ElementNode of the array) |
Metadata Event Message Schema
User Message
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for the user |
time (do not modify) | number | required start timestamp of the user |
user | UserInfo | required information associated with the current user |
Example User Metadata Event Message
"user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
Session Message
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for the session |
time (do not modify) | number | required start timestamp of the user |
session_info | SessionInfo | required information associated with the current session |
Example Session Metadata Event Message
"user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
Pageview Message
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for the pageview |
time (do not modify) | number | required start timestamp of the user |
pageview_info | PageviewInfo | required information associated with the current pageview |
Example Pageview Metadata Event Message
"user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
Shared Property Schema
User Information
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for the user |
time (do not modify) | number | required start timestamp of the user |
identity (do not modify) | string | optional identity of the user |
initial_session_info | SessionInfo | optional information associated with the first session of the user |
Session Information
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for the session |
time (do not modify) | number | required start timestamp of the session |
referrer | string | optional page linking to the site that initiated the session |
search_keyword | string | optional search keyword of the referrer |
utm.source | string | optional UTM source parameter of the first page of the session |
utm.medium | string | optional UTM medium parameter of the first page of the session |
utm.term | string | optional UTM term parameter of the first page of the session |
utm.content | string | optional UTM content parameter of the first page of the session |
utm.campaign | Object | optional UTM campaign parameter of the first page of the session |
initial_pageview_info | PageviewInfo | optional information associated with the first pageview of the session |
Pageview Information
Property | Type | Description |
id (do not modify) | string | required unique numerical string identifier for the pageview |
time (do not modify) | number | required start timestamp of the pageview |
title | string | optional title of the page |
url.domain | string | optional domain of the pageview URL |
url.path | string | optional path of the pageview URL |
url.query | string | optional query parameters of the pageview URL |
url.hash | string | optional hash fragment of the pageview URL |
previous_page | string | optional previous page path visited in this session |
properties | Object | optional custom pageview properties - key must be a string - value must be a string , number , boolean , or number |
Updated 9 months ago