This API allows you to attach custom account properties to users. An account ID or use of our Salesforce integration is required for this to work. Note that, as your set of accounts and their properties change, you’ll need to periodically call this API with an account ID as well as any account-level properties.

You will need to configure the Account ID setting before using this API to send your account data into Heap. Instructions to complete this and all of the other steps to analyze account data are available in the Account Health Analysis guide.

Our Looker Actions integration allows you to quickly import property data into Heap. See the Looker Actions Integration guide to learn more.

If you're planning to measure account health in Heap, you should use this endpoint to send useful account properties for analysis (e.g. payment tier, account owner, account name, etc). This endpoint can be used for either a single account, or multiple accounts at once.


Please note: fetch, jQuery, and XMLHttpRequest options are not currently supported.

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